フロリダ在住翻訳者 Maiのブログ
Florida Based English to Japanese Translator Mai’s blog 

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  • My First Competition Experience
    Regardless of ambivalence in performing, I took the plunge and decided to compete in a pole classique competition. I took private lessons once a week that began in April 2022 to prepare me for the big day in September. (Previous post: Competition Training Begins) Five months of training pushed me to the edge both physically and mentally. I felt like I had to search my soul for strength often. I put my heart into training. With support from my coach, husband, friends and the studio, I did everything I possibly could to prepare. Rehearsal was chaotic. To say it went bad, would be an understatement. My anxiety was off the charts the week before the completion. Finally, competition day arrived.
  • Competition Training Begins
    I decided to compete in a pole competition after taking pole classes for a little over a year. I did not feel I was ready to compete; however, I was more afraid to miss on a perfect opportunity.I started taking private lessons with my coach in April 2022. Then my competition challenge started.
  • Road to the First Pole Competition
    I started taking pole fitness classes regularly starting January 2021. After about 6 months, I started taking Level 3+ classes learning more tricks like Brass Monkey, Butterfly, Ayesha, etc. All those tricks were challenging at first, but I built my muscle and technique over time. After about a year of taking Level 3+ classes, I decided to compete in a pole competition.
  • My Pole Journey: Beginner to Intermediate
    I started taking pole fitness classes regularly starting January 2021. I achieved my goal of climbing to the top of a pole about three months after and then moved on to the next level which was level 2of classes. Level 2 class was my first big obstacle. I started learning upside down tricks such as laybacks and inverts. All those tricks seemed scary and impossible at first.
  • My Pole Journey: Tucson, Arizona
    I first took a few pole classes in Tokyo back in 2018. Before I started climbing pole, I started my graduate school, and I couldn’t go back to pole until January 2021 in Tucson Arizona.
    In this entry, I would like to look back on the beginning of my pole journey.
  • My Pole Journey: Tokyo
    I started this blog at the beginning of the year promising my self to write at least once a month. Well, the plan was not successful… life happened, and I’ve decided to compete in a pole competition. In this entry, I wanted to look back to when I first started pole and then how far I’ve come.


Arizona Japanese culture Japanese customs K-POP Life in Japan Life in USA My First Competition Pole Competition Pole Dance Pole Fitness Saturday Night Live Short person problems Survivor Tucson USPSF USPSF Nationas アメリカマスク事情 アメリカ生活 イカゲーム コメディ サウスパーク サタデー・ナイト・ライブ ジェンダー ジェンダー平等 トレンド ポールスポーツ大会 ポールダンス ポールダンス大会 ポールフィットネス 人種差別問題 仮想通貨 環境問題 異文化 笑いのカルチャーショック 英語 風刺アニメ

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