Buying flowers in Japan? Have you heard about Bukka bouquets?

*Custom and culture may differ by regions.

 Just like in the US, you also see some pretty flowers at grocery stores in Japan. You might consider getting a bouquet for your loved one as a “just because” gift. But, did you know some bouquets are actually for a grave or a Buddhist altar and not meant as a gift? Here is a tip for you when you are attempting to buy some flowers in Japan.

The bouquet might be “Bukka” (仏花)

 Bukka (仏花) means flowers meant to put in a Butsudan (仏壇, Buddhist alter) or a grave. Though I think people simply call them Hana (花) or Ohana (お花, both mean flower). I rarely hear the word “Bukka” in daily conversation. I’ve seen flowers labeled “仏花”at stores, but it also labeled as ”切り花” (cut flowers).
You can find Bukka everywhere from a small local grocery store, mall or flower shop especially during Obon(お盆) and Ohigan(お彼岸), the time of the year to visit family grave to pay respects to ancestors and deceased family members.

How do you know if it’s “Bukka” ?

Example of Bukka bouquets

 The tricky thing is that Bukka is usually sold as a small bouquet. Usually people buy at least two of them because there are two flower stands at a gravesite.

 The common flowers to put here are chrysanthemums, carnations, and irises as well depends on the season. There are no particular rules for which flowers are considered as Bukka, but people often chose those flowers that can last longer. Also, thorny, poisonous and strong scented flowers are not considered suitable for the gravesite.

 If you want to get a fancy bouquet, I would go to a flower shop rather than a grocery store (there are some grocery stores that have a flower shop as well) and tell the shop keeper the occasion. If you just want some “just because” flowers, I would avoid small bouquets which are labeled “仏花” (Bukka) and also avoid those bouquets which include chrysanthemums.

 If it’s the season to visit a gravesite such as *Higan (彼岸) and *Obon(お盆), there is a high chance that small bouquets in grocery stores are Bukka, so be aware.

* Ohigan (お彼岸) is three days before and after spring equinox and autumn equinox.
* Obon (お盆) is usually August 13th – 16th, but some regions also celebrate it in July.


 I wanted to let you know there are bouquets particularly for a grave sold in Japanese stores.

Thank you for reading this post and follow me on twitter to read more. 🙂

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